I am not too sure about what to write tonight. A friend got hurt before the start opened, when brave early birds were scratching low in not so well organized bubbles. After an epic rescue he is now safe and attended, responding good, on the way to the hospital at Cordoba for a complete check up. Maybe I cringed too much during my short flight listening to the repeated calls for an helicopter, one of my crowned molars unfixed itself from my jaw. Hopefully I did not swallowed it.
Archives de catégorie : Pays
2014 World Cup – Argentina: Sunday 2, no task
Yesterday it started to rain with the opening of the registration, not stopping through the night. Without too much of a surprise, today has been canceled early in the morning. I have been designated by the PWCA as member of the Task Committee. That was a nice proposition from them. I have accepted this mission by sheer curiosity as I never did this job before. It comes with responsibility and an additional workload, hopefully I will manage it.
2014 World Cup – Argentina: Training
The day was not looking too good this morning, nor at noon, nevertheless we had a good flying today. Our wings were transported by truck to the take-off, so that we had a nice and light stroll in the beautiful landscape. The organization has to find its marks, that is what the training day is made for. South American way, like a training task with visual waypoints or sandwiches arriving after I took off. Nothing really important, we really enjoyed the day.
2014 World Cup – Argentina: Discovery
30h after having left my home close to Paris I set foot in Mina Clavero. It is midnight and I need a rest. Welcome to another end of the world. No surprise there are so few pilots from Argentina coming in Europe to play with, all economical problems set aside.
The city is calm, developing local tourism. After a good breakfast we went walking in the main street to discover local shops, find water and waffers. At 11am it is time to go up the hill with the shuttles. Then, when arrived on the lip of the plateau at about 1500m, a big pile of scattered stones from the moon, we start a 30 minutes walk in a beautiful wild landscape towards the take-off. Apparently rain has not lacked around here in the last days or weeks, so hints us the watery grass.
2014 World Cup – Argentina: Introduction
So… here we go flying again! Hopefully in a lighter mood, with a better atmosphere. At the time to write a word of introduction for another Paragliding World Cup, ideas are lacking or colliding. So many mistakes have been made, so much harm has been done recently to this beautiful sport that I like so much. For the upcoming week, let’s pretend I do not care. I am part of the Fight Club and will abide by its rules.