Et si j’allais me faire plaisir sur une petite Coupe du Monde en Chine ? Cette fois-ci pas de trip en motor-home pour arriver sur le lieu de la compétition mais du train à haute vitesse plus rapide que nos TGV. Pas de Hono non plus en porte-bonheur comme sur mes dernières participations. Il m’a lâché pour cette compétition mais une petite troupe de Français hardis sera là pour assurer la relève.
Continuer la lectureArchives de l’auteur : Maxime
Lancement du site
Vous avez encore oublié ma fête hier (et oui il y a eu un Saint-Maxime avant moi) alors je me fais mon petit cadeau! Première étape du lancement de l’académie: la création de son site internet et l’ouverture de la boutique.
Continuer la lecturePerformance Paragliding – Efficiency (job done!)
After a few more night sessions, I completed a cycle started about 5 years ago: it started by writing a book about how to perform in paragliding, in French. I put on paper a large part of my knowledge and experiences in that area. Then started the long journey to get this book translated to English and published. Now the job is done.
Performance Paragliding – Volume 2
The second volume of Performance Paragliding is now available both as an ebook from Amazon Kindle store or a printed book on the regular Amazon webstore. Just in time for you to be efficient in the next SuperFinal! And in case you liked the book, do not hesitate to send some stars with your appreciation on Amazon product page.
Tel est le nom de mon nouveau projet: AQUILAE. Enfin, pas si nouveau, et pas le seul non plus! Attention, teasing à suivre.
Continuer la lecturePerformance Paragliding – Preparation (Paperback Edition)
Yippee! The first volume of Performance Paragliding – Preparation, is now available in paperback edition. Thanks René and Alex. By looking for a solution for you German readers, I could find a solution for all potential readers!
Sometimes you end where you should have started. I was so focused on publishing an e-book to avoid physical issues that I neglected options. With the major one lying exactly in front of me: Amazon Direct Publishing. I might promote a bit too much their services these times, but this particular one makes a difference for authors: you can publish a paperback edition, worldwide, with no minimum copies to print, at a material cost of about 3 Euros per copy and a distribution margin of 40%. All in all, very attractive for modest authors.
I will see if, like it is possible for the e-book, I can upgrade the content of the book. I could add pictures to make it look nicer and more colorful. Anyway, even though pictures could make it more enjoyable, I hope you will learn from the text, or find sensible questions to ask yourself about your practice. On paper!