2014 World Cup – France: Thursday 29, 87km Race to Goal

Now the competition is running at a good pace: two tasks in two days! Montlambert is known all over France to be site that is protected from North wind, facing South. And the forecast was right, we had 20km/h North wind higher up, above 1500m. Later along the task breezes and valley winds would be quite strong as well. Nevertheless we were proposed a rather long task: Grésy, Brame-Farine or Allevard, Ebaudiaz, Coise and goal at Chamousset.

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2014 World Cup – France: Wednesday 28, 65km Race to Goal

Did you know that Saint-Hilaire, low cloudbase, North wind and competition do not blend well? Maybe it is only about Saint-Hilaire and comps. But, well, hey, that is an opinion. Today we moved the comp to Saint-Hilaire and that saved the day, maybe the altogether.

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2014 World Cup – France: Tuesday 27, no Task? Shopping!

Plic ploc! What is this noise waking me up? Hmm… Let’s postpone the alarm clock for one hour at the minimum! A little later, at 9:30 the day is canceled. Rain is there to stay. So that outdoor activities are quite limited if you are not fond of canoeing or rafting, which in fact is not to be advised on rainy days. What’s left? Shopping!

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2014 World Cup – France: Monday 26, no Task? Training!

As expected, the day has been canceled at breakfast time. The early decision spared us the drive to the HQ and gave us ample time to consider alternative activities. By morning end we voted for cycling (for once, we voted). Roads were dry, the air temperature was cool, the tour was nice.

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2014 World Cup – France: Sunday 25, 45km Race to Goal

We have a winner today: José! First task, first PWC on a wildcard, first win! He definitely made the best glide today after 1h hour spent waiting for the start to open, watching the diseappearing sun and the lowering thermal tops. Now he deserves winning a real task.

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