2014 World Cup – Portugal: Training

As expected we had no training today, the South wind was too strong.

Our hearts filled with positive vibes we made an attempt to go kite surfing on the sea side, not so far away, about 1h drive from Celorico. The rain on the road quickly washed our hopes.

So we enjoyed the shore, the restaurant for lunch and watching Richard dancing for the sun and the breeze to come. That was another nice try. But the day had made its decisions. Supposedly the first day of Summer, it did not want to play along with us.

We occupied our evening with a long registration process, a dinner at the hotel, hoping for another goal from Ghana and skipping the opening ceremony and welcome party. Another delusion for today. I croos fingers for Chile to do better on Monday. Meanwhile, tomorrow we will have an early briefing and an attempt to go flying…

Une réflexion sur « 2014 World Cup – Portugal: Training »

  1. Bon anniversaire Maxime!
    (Comme ça, anglais/français, c’est bien mélangé! ;-))
    Je te sens… désabusé…
    Souviens-toi juste de pourquoi tu es là-bas, pourquoi tu fais tout ça. Et prends-le, LE PLAISIR!!!!!
    Le reste suivra tu sais bien.

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