2014 World Cup – France: Introduction

Back to business, again. If you have vacations planned in between Grenoble and Annecy for next week, unlucky you are, the PWCA brings its usual alpine weather over Combe de Savoie. Anyway, I never lived world cup events in France as other world cup events anywhere else in the world. I feel too much at home, the adventures of traveling are missing, not to mention the south american sun. Good point when staying home, I shall easily find activities other than flying, if needed. But, honestly, I cross fingers for this event to be a safe success.

I did not fly much in recent times. There were some very (very) good days for long distance cross-country flight in France in the last month. Unfortunately I did not take part to the feast and feats. My priorities were placed elsewhere and it seems I am doomed for organizing my agenda when good days are in view. Nevertheless I had the opportunity to share a flight with my good old friend Greg, covering together 100km at an average speed of 46km/h. Greg doubled that distance while I stopped short after a mistake, overwhelmed by the beginning of this flight, and had an epic retrieve that could be a topic for an entire blog entry. On a rainy day, I shall put this down on my keyboard.

Flying over the dramas of all previous 2014 world cups might be a target for many. For others it could be to shine enough for being selected to the upcoming European Championship. As for myself, I look forward to enjoy my flying and stay in Cœur de Savoie. See you there!