We have a winner today: José! First task, first PWC on a wildcard, first win! He definitely made the best glide today after 1h hour spent waiting for the start to open, watching the diseappearing sun and the lowering thermal tops. Now he deserves winning a real task.
What else would you like to know? The organizers did their best to make a try and launch a task. We started in Montlambert. For 2 or 3 seconds I have been the highest glider in the sky at 1048m. We kept circling and started our final glide. With went by les Tours, a place were it was forbidden to fly in the past years, to slightly improve our altitude.
Then we darted towards the East face or Arclusaz. They were far from matching their terrible reputation today. Rain was coming from Maurienne over Chamoux. First turnpoint tagged at Grésy and some way back, headwind, before landing with about 15km in our empty pockets.
Tons of patience will be required this week…