PWCA meeting with pilots in Brazil

This morning the atmosphere is, again, very humid. But the sun seems to be willing to warm it up, significantly more than yesterday when no task could be launched and we took advantage of the spare time to have a meeting in between PWCA pilots present in Brazil. I will take a couple of minutes to summarize the highlights of the discussion.

First of all we spent 1 hour and a half talking about gliders, or future gliders, accepted or mandatory in comps. To make a long story short, the PWCA will call its member to vote, electronically or during next General Assembly in Serbia, to make a choice in between the currently following identified options. I will not describe pros and cons of each one, you had the possibility to purchase an airplane ticket and come over to attend: 🙂

  1. EN-D gliders in 2014 then a new vote for 2015.
  2. EN-D gliders in 2014 until 2015 or 2016 then a new vote for the future seasons.
  3. PWCA/CIVL common regulations, accepted as international standard, EN-D in the meantime.
  4. CECC or ENCC in 2015 or after if available, EN-D in the meantime.
  5. OCTWG gliders.

Plus the additional questions: would we accept EN-D gliders to compete together with comp gliders in cases 3 and 4? Not accepting them would smell like a new ban but allowing them is more or less killing the essence of those options.

Then we had a 15 minutes talk about 2013 SuperFinal. Options are, or were:

  1. South-Africa, Porterville: withdrew their bid.
  2. Mexico, Valle de Bravo: withdrew their bid and concentrate on HG pre-Worlds and 2015 Worlds, but is willing to organize a PWC event in 2014.
  3. Turkey, Denizli: last week of september, puts the selection process at the edge of trickyness.
  4. Brazil, Baixo Guandu: mid-January, with a potentially less humid air but less predictable weather than other bidders.

Decision will be made during a Committe Meeting to be held on 4-5 May. Late bids are still welcome in a world where nothing is perfect.

Finally we had another 15 minutes presentation of the possible places for the PWCA to go in 2015. All this is very much provisional, options marked with (*) a bit more engaged than others:

  • Mexico, Valle de Bravo: January, possible collision with 2013 SF.
  • Argentina, Mina Clavero: March.
  • France, Coeur de Savoie (*): May.
  • Portugal, 100km South of Montalegre (*): July.
  • Réunion Island, Saint-Leu (*): October, in collision with next option.
  • Turkey, Erzincan: October, possible place for a potential next SuperFinal.

That’s about it for this morning, let’s go flying!

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