We had no free flight today. A strong South wind prevented us from making any attempt. Plus the access road to the only known South take-off was a bit too rocky for our small rental car. So we enjoyed a 2 hours return trip, driving on nice winding roads, a tiny tar strip going through villages made of nice stone houses, barely large enough for or Toy car.
There might be two key external factors during this competition. The first one is obviously wind. The rather strong S wind seems to have the intention to stay here for a few days. The PWCA weather factor, definitively. With wind the take-off can be tricky.
Then in the lower layer, with the local topography, flying below hill or ridge tops, that is in the gulleys, will be quite interesting. But there is plenty of space to fly towards the flats, so we could have an exit way. Then in the higher layer the wind is making a great difference combining gradient and convergence lines. As often in the flats, flying high is a good way to score high.
Which leads to the second potentially limiting factor: restricted airspace. Hitting 3000m seems quite common and easy in the area. But I heard the roof of the playhouse has been lowered recently to maybe 2900m. I have to check that information, check that it will be enforced as well. It will be quite annoying if it is confirmed. The rule will be the same for everyone, nevertheless sometimes it is really hard to manage when playing with the limits in a competition.
Anyway, first target will be to be airborne someday soon, tomorrow hopefully, and try that new equipment!
But…… what is this new Equipment ???????? 😉
Ah, Maurice! Je risque de tomber bien bas dans ton estime…
Mais non, mais non Maxime 😉
Contrairement à ce que certains ont cru je n’ai aucun préjugé ni parti pris en ce domaine. Je sais faire la différence entre les compétences et résultats techniques et les comportements humains que j’ai trouvés moins respectables en certaines circonstances.
L’essentiel c’est que tu fasses un bon couple avec ton matériel et que tu te fasse plaisir.
Amitiés, à +